Role of a Leader
Role of a Leader
I have had to play the role of a Leader. See, I'm the oldest out of my mother's children. In that position I have to show them how to be strong, and much more for all the things we deal with in life.
I feel like my readers are my brothers and sisters too. As a leader you will have to take a break every now and then. Embrace your emotions, you are still a strong person if you do. And it's okay to show affection. Affection can bring out the love in others. Just don't go extreme with it.
Also you have to take a break from being so helpful to everyone. And as a leader being strong isn't an act. But it is who you truly are. Your personality, behavior and actions explain it all.
Leaders stay calm and very attentive during moments that are getting hectic and thinking before they act. Acting impulsive with your words and actions shows poor leadership. Your leadership will test you and your abilities to not say or command things and actions that may be harmful. Really think twice about things.
Remind your audience, classroom or vlog watchers to do research on the topics you discuss. Your way as a leader may not be right for all. Even if you're a professional in the topics you discuss. You are human and always are biased. Even if you think you're being objective and neutral on the topic.
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