Tips On Love

 Tips On Love

Man or woman, don't let love overwhelm you with pain. The love you feel will keep you awake at night. Its very intense, trust me I know. 

I'll be honest. You yourself are feeling giddy and the one you love may not feel the same way. Love is a strange thing. It really is like a drug. 

I lost a female friend from suicide. Because of her love for a dude. Two months after her death he had already moved on. 

But here is a positive message on love. All the happiness you felt for one girl or boy. You can feel with anybody. 

Most times after a breakup. God will put a new man or woman into your life to crush on and forget about the last relationship. 

So relax when a relationship ends. Years will fly by. And you'll feel and think.  "Why the hell was I upset about this"

Focus on yourself and your potential. And trust me new love will come. Remember "If they don't know your worth. Don't waste time convincing them the price"

-Rajeran Tatum


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