Importance of Great Communication
Importance of Great Communication
Communication is the exchange or transfer of information and news.
The way we speak has many complex elements. Language is very important. It connects the world and creates and forms cultures. And helps us better understand how one another feels about themselves and the world around them.
Language and words have the ability to heal or harm. To build and destroy.
I often tell people words of inspiration. A few months ago I asked a store clerk, "How is your mindset tonight?". He replied that his night had been stressful. And that those words I said to him will help him through the shift. His smile showed me he felt motivated and joyful after those small words of compassion. That night was profound. It was a beautiful interaction in time. I became teary eyed when I finally arrived home. I saw that night how much of a strong impact words have.
Those moments show you how similar we all are. And how much it brings us all together. Other's minds have been where yours have been before. Just a slight difference and uniqueness. Everyone, including myself. Must watch our tone of voice and how we speak to those around us. Confusion happens even when not intended or very malicious.
Like what's spoken about in my article on nuance and how it matters.
Honing in on your abilities to be better understood can help in the workplace. When someone for example is at your job that you have. And who you work with, comes to you in an angry or aggressive way. Speak to them calmly. And show concern. Help diffuse hostility and explain to them how much you understand everyone is stressed out and busy. And ask them how you can assist them. If they need help with anything. Showing humility when confronted with your boss or manager can help you. It's best to explain upfront on how you did mess up. And how you made errors. Then it is to lie, to get out of trouble.
It's seen that you are able to show accountability for your mistakes. Talking to others openly and not in a disrespectful way, builds respect and trust.
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