Social Interaction

 Let people be able to think about what you have done for them. Instead of what bad you have did to them. It seems cliche but like most cliches, they hold truth to them. And the phrase is " Treat People The Way You Want To Be Treated" When you are kind during social interactions your whole outlook changes for the good. And the person who you showed compassion to, will also feel good. After a compliment we all reminisce on it, treasuring it. Things manifest when you put love into the world. The things that manifest can be something you have been waiting for. Or something new, positive and unexpected. And people are more likely to go all out for you when you need a favor. All because you only showed them kindness and not hate. You'll notice almost everything around you will start to get gentler. Even your own dreams. So try giving someone a compliment you been thinking of. And make these days gentler


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