Growing Pain
Growing pian
Certain people that you have interacted with for the long term can bring on strong memories and nostalgia. And it's beautiful. This Earth is amazing. And you need to love this time just as much.If not more.
We all have sad days. But those great days are just so breathtaking. They bring on such an extreme sense of joy and connectedness.
Making each moment feel like a holiday or birthday. And trying to hold on to that feeling each day. Time, memories and mental scenery flow through my mind like a river of blissfulness.
And the older I get and the more I focus on my own goals. The more confidence increases. And my ability to feel what others struggle with has improved. But I also can thank age for that.
I'm 27 and my mind is just so different than it was at 18. And all the pain I went through as a teen. Doesn't even matter anymore. Life has calmed and quelled my mind and actions. And I feel more gentle. And understanding. Though I may get upset with people sometimes. I know myself now. And I'm proud of all I have achieved. And blessed by all of what I have gone through.
To me the word patience can mean that you have a lot of restraint; when dealing with disrespectful people. If you have a lot of patience that's a great trait to have. Not everyone knows how to just walk away. But with age some people just prefer pleasant and peaceful things.
And that you'd rather not waste precious time over something that won't even cross your mind or burden you; in the years to come. Learn to let things go. Don't worry yourself. Remember you have to live in your body and mind. Be kind to yourself in thought.
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