Strength to Endure

 When you think of all that you have endured. Does it make your spirit swell with pride. Does the fire still burn in you. If so focus on the warmth that is pride. That you will continue to feel strong and stronger with each day. Because you're badass. For years you have held on. And I know you will continue to. Because that's what you do. You're a fighter. A dreamer. If you need to remind yourself of the moments when you hit rock bottom. And joyfully remind yourself how you have taken control of your own fate. Remind yourself to never run. To stand up for what you believe in when it's the right thing to do. We all need a hero. Be the hero you would like to encounter. And encourage others to have integrity. And strength to endure turmoil. This life is tough and you need to keep the strength to endure. Like you always have. The world needs strong people and you're one of them.


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