Inside The Bipolar Mind
Sobriety and mental health are intertwined. It was 2010. I had my first visit to a psych ward. Where I was diagnosed with Bipolar. After learning about the symptoms; my whole life made sense. My behavior and my thoughts finally had a name. At 12 years old whenever I felt giddy laughing and full of energy I would call it "Go Go Mode".
But even at 12 years old (2006) I would over indulge on caffeine from Soda, Tea and Coffee. It's almost like puberty brought about my Mental disorders. When hypomanic you can easily get pumped up on music. Actually feel high while sober.
Some drugs and medication also can induce this erratic state. It's not good to get off mood stabilizers and antipsychotics. I know the feeling of being Hypomanic. Where each thought pushes your already elated Confidence and Self Esteem. I know the shameful embarrassing times I have had when off my meds.
It will always inevitably cause great remorse and shame. You're more likely to say mean stuff you otherwise wouldn't have done if you were stable and on your medicine. Having Bipolar is something I don't like.
But the grandiose thinking is what fueled me to actually get 2 books published. My newest book 'Planet Larene' explains the Bipolar thought process. And gives a better understanding of your loved ones who suffer with Bipolar.
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