Journal Entries
Journal Entries: Tips on analyzing your own patterns. And correcting them. Do you ever ponder on ways that will make you a better person; in all aspects of your life?
This is what I have been doing since 2004, I was using my notebook for school to write down poetry and my thoughts on a plethora of topics.
What I noticed years later is that using a notebook to write down your thoughts is very soothing to the mind. Very freeing to the soul.
Now I have several things in journals that I look over. I see the date on which I wrote something in the past and it's like a snapshot of how I was at the time period. I start to go introspective and dig deep into my own psyche.
And analyze everything. reading and seeing what is missing. I start to see my own life as if it was someone else's life. All the pieces that are no longer useful or relevant I ditch. And fill in those spots that were tossed aside; I fill in with healthy coping skills. And a new way to adapt to the changing of my own scenario in life. You'd be surprised at how much you have changed over time. When writing in a notebook or journal.
But this is good. Because now that you are tracking your lifestyle and thought processes. You are beginning to start up your own growth. This in return will bring on confidence inside you. And resilience.
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