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In life all types of things and people will bother you. Some people will like you. Others will not like you. As we look around you'll notice the people around you. What you will see is that everyone is flawed. And no one person is better than our whole Human population. Our value doesn't increase or decrease. No matter what, some may have valuable items. But that's as far as it goes.
When people are projecting, remind yourself; that is how they feel about themselves. Then it becomes less of a big deal. Shameful people will sink to any low. To try and get you shook up and mad. I have had old friends. If they were real friends. Anyways they would tell me that I think I'm better than them. That's a projection right there. Really deep down that is how they feel and think.
This type of talk happened right after I became a published Author. It's best to just ignore people. People who prey on the weak are the worst types. A lot of those people are cowards. Making fun and harassing the people they think or know wont fight back. Then they meet strong people. Who they think are weak.
Something similar happened to me. When I was at work a guy used to always bother me in the beginning. But I'm a strong person. When I felt stable again. With my depression gone. He walked up acting like he did before. But I walked up to him looking dead in his eyes, and confronted him. And I called him out.
Then after that he stopped and started to act like a friend. I dislike bullies because they act like cowards. When you call them out they put their tail between their legs. Just leave people alone and show them respect and dignity. Instead of acting like a dirt bag
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