Decent People
Decent People
Such a wonderful world we live in. Sometimes we feel alone. Sometimes we feel like no one truly cares. But I'm here to tell you you're not alone. When you treat people right and show respect and decency. You will get love in return. There are truly decent people on Earth when you awaken your heart and open your mind.
Not everyone is evil. I had a day when I was feeling sad, low and depressed. And I got into an Uber. And what the man told me made my heart glow with joy. He said Raj whenever I pick you up my whole day feels better. He told me I was a good man. And that decent person telling me I help his days feel better, made me teary eyed. He made my day just as I made his.
If you watch the news you'll think this world is completely evil. But not everyone is hateful and mean. And you must understand that. What you put out is what you'll gain in return. Being mean and disrespectful will get you nowhere. Really think about what you say to people and how you say things. People love others who show kindness. And being kind makes you feel good. That's a positive social reinforcement that makes you want to continue to bring joy to people.
It might not seem like it. But there are people out here in your life that would feel very sad and upset if you were to die. You never know how you might light up the room and make someone's days feel amazing and joyful. A lot of people don't realize how much joy they bring to others until someone tells them. But even you reading this are bringing happiness to someone. And keep up the decent acts you do for people. You're really helping out.
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